Friday, April 16, 2021

Poetry. About my sleeping cat.

Oh Sleepy Cat
By Paul Klusman

Oh cat asleep in a chair
On a rainy afternoon
Your sound of breathing calm
Against the cold gloom

Your paws and whiskers twitch
As you roam a field of green
Somewhere far away
In a sunny golden dream

Do you chase birds and mice?
Or elusive butterfly?
Do you wait for happiness?
Oh dear cat so do I

Now waking from your slumber
Stretch and fold your ears
Into the kitchen wander
Then soon you reappear

And back upon your chair
Circling into a ball
Close your eyes breathing
Back asleep you fall

Into another universe
Oh feline astronaut
Wherever dreams take you
Wherever time forgot

And when time does return
And when the bough break
I'll be here next to you
Again when you awake


  1. Lovely sentiment and beautifully written xxx

  2. Very cute, I think it should be "butterflies", though - rhymes better (sorry if being nitpicky :) )

  3. love this... they dream about world domination by stealing socks so we never have a matched pair.

  4. Beautifully descriptive! Beautiful Heart
