Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Lump Under Covers

The lump under covers
Is where my cat lies
Hiding away from
The cold gray skies

Of winter the second
Month of the year
When scarce is the light
And slim is the cheer

I gaze out the window
At the barren trees
Waving stiff
In the chilly breeze

Now slipping a hand 
To the soft warm fur
My cat replies
With a soft gentle purr

What grace to share
Some comfort somehow
What reason to be
In the here and the now

The days grow longer
We cannot stop spring
Out of the gloom
And born on a wing

A song of hope
What promise to keep
My cat lifts his head
Then falls back to sleep


  1. Awww. My previously stand-off-ish cat has turned cuddly. Last night, cold and dark, she curled around my hand to sleep and purr. Tis a blessing.

  2. Captures the essence of the season and the kitter moment. Lovely.

  3. Beautiful poem! I'm gonna go cuddle with my kitties now...

  4. Sending you love and energy from Minnesota
