Thursday, September 8, 2022

Poetry. About a hungry cat.

The Song of Cat Hunger
By Paul Klusman

The saddest bowl near the corner of regret
in the kitchen of despair
Sits empty and barren for all to see
as my cat bears witness there.
How tragic the sight how somber the scene
how bitter before sad eyes,
That the world may know this hungry soul
who calls with mournful cries.
For wanting fed how long the wait?
it's been an hour at least!
For keeping hope in the heart of this
gentle and noble beast,
That providence bring after eternity
of starving pitiful, poor
The bountiful feast inhaled with glee,
then barfed upon the floor.


  1. How may I subscribe?
    I'm on the verge of major surge,
    and don't want to miss
    a bit of your wit.

    1. Gosh I honestly don't know how to subscribe here. There must be a way but I don't know what it is. Follow me on Facebook I usually cross post from this blog to my Facebook. Also this particular poem will turn into a cat video on my YouTube channel stay tuned for that!
