Sunday, November 12, 2023

A Cloud Can Never Die

When you look up into the blue sky on a clear day you may notice that your favorite cloud is gone, and you are sad. You believe that your cloud has died, but a cloud can never die. A cloud can never die, it can only transform. A cloud will become rain, which falls to the ground to nourish the plants and animals. Some of the rain will collect into a stream, which flows into a river, and eventually makes its way to the sea. The sun will then warm the sea, and moisture will rise up into the air. The wind will carry the warm air back to you, and when it cools the moisture will form again into your cloud. A cloud can never die, it can only transform.

Over half of your body is made of cloud. If you take the cloud out of your body there is no YOU left. The clouds that are in your body today were floating in the sky at one time. The clouds in your body were also a part of someone else’s body. The clouds that are in your body have been a part of many different forms of life. When your loved one is gone you can look up into the sky and see them in the form of a cloud. You can wave to them and say, “Hello my little cloud. Hello my dear friend I see you up there in the sky. Have a good time floating free. One day I will join you, and we will float in the sky together.”

(Based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh)